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Scott Pruitt Says EPA Must Be Held Accountable For Its Own Incompetence

posted onAugust 5, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 9:15 pm on August 4, 2017 by streiff On August 5, 2015, an EPA led project to remediate environmental damage caused by the abandoned (since 1923) Gold King mine went horribly wrong. It resulted in some three million gallons of toxic wastewater into the Animas River causing about $500 million in damages. True to the traditions of the EPA, no one was disciplined, no one was prosecuted, no one was fined, and, though EPA accepted responsibility for the spill it refused to pay any claims on grounds of “sovereign immunity.” Today, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt visited the site and let everyone know that wasn’t now the EPA was going to operate in the future: Precisely correct. If you look at BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill, not only was BP fined, it was sued, and the federal government prosecuted four employees. But the EPA doesn’t do accountability. They create their own rules and ruthlessly break anyone who dares to challenge them. These are the fascists who will literally throw you in jail for filling mud holes–sorry, I mean ‘waters of the United States’–on your own property. This is a great move. Pruitt has been getting a lot of heat from the enviro-nazis over his changes in the EPA. He’s stopped a lot of regulations that were in the pipeline (and unlike some folks would have you think, stopping regulations is a major accomplishment and the Trump administration is the first administration to actually try to curb the regulatory power of the federal gove... Link to the full article to read more

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