Article snippet: If you’re a bit scared about investing your money right now, you’re not alone. I’ve received many emails and comments recently from people who have money to invest. They even know how it should be invested. But they just can’t get themselves to put the money into the stock market. Why are they scared? Many of them cite the fact that markets are at record highs and the endless stream of uncertainty in the news. Feel that way yourself? Well guess what: You don’t have to invest the money. Really, it’s true! Funny, but even as I type these words, I feel a sense of relief. I gave myself this same advice awhile back when I noticed how worried I was about my investments. You see, I hate losing money in investments that are outside my control. It ties me up in knots and distracts me from just about everything. So awhile ago, when I moved some money out of a 401(k) plan into my retirement account after a job change, I left it in cash. I told myself that I was fine with missing out if the market continued to go up. But I wasn’t fine with investing this pile of cash just in time to get my head taken off in a big, scary market drop. And guess what? That was and still is true. So, I’m fine sitting in cash earning 0.16 percent or whatever the rate might be. I just don’t want to lose. This decision has cost me in paper gains that I might have achieved, given how well the stock market has done since that decision, but I don’t care. I don’t see it as a real cost. Instead, I see i... Link to the full article to read more
You’re No Coward if You’re Keeping Some Money Out of Stocks - The New York Times