Article snippet: Posted at 5:00 pm on August 3, 2017 by streiff When President Trump’s national security adviser, H. R. McMaster, fired a staunch Flynn loyalist yesterday, he kicked over an anthill of anger. The guy in question was Ezra Cohen-Watnick. No one knows a lot about him other than he was a GS-13 in the DIA (basic the equivalent of a major/lieutenant colonel in the military) and was elevated to general officer equivalent based on the strength of his relationship with Michael Flynn. McMaster tried to fire him back in March but Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon prevailed upon Trump, himself, to save Cohen-Watnick’s job. Cohen-Watnick was simply the last of three Flynn loyalists axed and a Ted Cruz staffer selected by Flynn, Victoria Coates, was moved from the NSC to the administration’s Middle East negotiating team. He was also the last straw. McMaster’s enemies are pulling out all the stops to discredit him. Via Free Beacon: Caroline Glick, who is best know for her work as a Jerusalem Post columnist, published a lengthy Facebook post in which McMaster was portrayed as a virtual jihadi: And, to make matters worse, John McCain is to blame: Also today is this from Sara Carter (whose work I like) at Circa: The exemption given Rice was for documents she had personally worked on or approved and it is usually given to officials who are writing a memoir of their time in office. But never mind because History’s Greatest Monster has struck again. I don’t know McMaster beyond his ... Link to the full article to read more
The Long Knives Are Out For H. R. McMaster