Article snippet: Posted at 10:30 pm on August 2, 2017 by streiff One of the continuing legacies of the whole Mike Flynn experience is that he managed to ensconce a lot of his personal loyalists (no aspersion intended on their abilities, I’m not in a position to evaluate that) in the National Security Council. Many of these had patrons in the White House, like Bannon or the Kushners, and they could not be easily moved. As McMaster has gained influence, he has been given increased leeway to structure and man the NSC in a way that he wants, and that way doesn’t include Flynn’s guys. The first major casualty was K. T. McFarland. Heaven only knows why she was on the NSC in the first place. Since then there has been a series of low key victories. McMaster has hired his choice to be deputy national security adviser. Two weeks ago, a Steve Bannon ally, a guy named Rich Higgins, was fired for writing a memo that was more a political manifesto than anything to do with national security. (In my opinion is it nutbaggery only a hop-skip-and-jump removed from Bilderbergers and Freemasons taking over the world, YMMV.) On Thursday, as we were marveling at the amazing flexibility of Steve Bannon as recounted by Anthony Scaramucci, McMaster removed a Flynn loyalist, Derek Harvey, from his role as Middle East director. Today the hatchet fell again: Cohen-Watnick has been something of a lightning rod because he was a junior DIA official who, thanks to the right patronage, was catapulted to overs... Link to the full article to read more
McMaster Consolidates Control Over the National Security Council