Article snippet: He’s got the job – but will he be able to do it well? Within his first 24 hours on the job, new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly displayed reasons for optimism, quickly moving to establish control and cleaner lines of authority. But Kelly also saw first-hand why imposing discipline on the president and his top aides may be a hopeless endeavor. Dismissing the new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, sent an important signal that Kelly is in control – with the buy-in of President Trump himself. Yet a fresh revelation on the ongoing Russia scandal that threatens to consume the Trump presidency is a reminder that there’s only so much any chief of staff in this White House can control. The consensus among Trump’s friends and associates is that if anyone can tame the wild rivalries at play inside the Trump White House, it’s Kelly. His military background serves dual purposes – as a model for decision-making structures he hopes to impose, and as a source for respect from the president downward. Yet he inherits substantial baggage. The Trump White House is enveloped in a semi-permanent scandal, with a stalled legislative agenda, tense relationships with the Republican Party, and an existing command structure that has proven haphazard and unwieldy. Of course, Kelly inherits Trump himself. The White House can only be effectively managed so far as the president himself lets it, or want it, to be. Trump continues to make clear that he will follow his... Link to the full article to read more
ANALYSIS: John Kelly's impossible mission as White House chief of staff - ABC News