Article snippet: Posted at 6:30 pm on July 31, 2017 by Jim Jamitis During any Trump administration dust up, you can easily tell who the serious people are and who are just cheerleaders. Hiring Anthony Scaramucci as White House Comms Director and giving him a ride on your boot within the span of 2 weeks is an embarrassment in and of itself. That Scaramucci made himself appear certifiably insane while talking to a reporter was just icing on the cake. Still, there are people who will make every effort to force the observable facts to conform to their personally chosen reality. Everything Trump does is a brilliant strategic decision that is countless moves ahead of his opponents. Barack Obama’s cult of personality has nothing on Trump’s. The capacity for self delusion is not limited to one party. Mooch’s only purpose was to help Trump get away with firing people on his staff without it being traceable to him? That is some courageous leadership. Jim Hoft’s follower is asserting that President Trump used Scarramucci as a pawn. Trump let his friend sell his company and destroy his marriage, just so he could be used briefly as cover for firing Reince Preibus without angering the Republican “establishment.” Remember, Trump was sold to us as someone who would not be intimidated by the establishment. Now he’s devising byzantine plots which sacrifice his friends for no other reason than to avoid getting the establishment mad. I don’t doubt that morally Trump has the capacity to use ... Link to the full article to read more
Cult of Trump Already Spinning Scaramucci Embarrassment as Strategic Brilliance