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Somebody Had to Say It: Iowa Evangelical Leader Says Trump Must Model Higher Standard

posted onJuly 31, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 3:30 pm on July 30, 2017 by Susan Wright And this is the kind of evangelical voice we need. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been paying attention. And it may be a case of closing the barn door after the horse has made it into an entirely different zip code. Bob Vander Plaats is the Iowa-based president of the conservative Family Leader group. He initially endorsed Ted Cruz, but like so many other evangelicals, lost the will to fight and choked out an endorsement for Donald Trump before the election. It seems he has found his voice again, and spoke out this week against Anthony Scaramucci, after the new communications director’s vile tirade from the New Yorker made the rounds. Silence equals assent. Not consent, where you just agree to allow something, but assent –  approval or acceptance. I’ve already covered it here, but the word that has come forth since Scaramucci proved himself to be little more than a New York sewer rat in an expensive suit is that Trump very much approved of the outburst against Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus. It amuses Trump to see blood drawn by those clamoring to present themselves his most loyal toady. Priebus proved himself unworthy because his failure to fling globs of fecal matter back at Scaramucci didn’t provide the tense drama that makes for good reality TV. Vander Plaats went further in a post to his website: As long as the Mooch is willing to wallow in the mud for an opportunity to get next to the president, you’re not ... Link to the full article to read more

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