Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories The White House stepped up demands Sunday that the Senate repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The order is a response to new US sanctions that escalated the tensions between Washington and Moscow. “The danger the North Korean regime poses to international peace is now clear to all,” the US ambassador to the United Nations said. President Trump often makes other people do the dirty work — or shames those he wants out into quitting themselves. Voters, it seems, don’t really care about conventional wisdom anymore. So the real question is: What next? The New Jersey governor doesn’t seem to have much luck when it comes to attending baseball games lately. The “Last Week Tonight” host almost seemed like he didn’t know where to start. The White House suggested senators cancel their entire summer break to pass legislation after failed votes last week. Talk about a team of rivals. Reince Priebus, the establishment Republican-turned-loyalist to President Donald Trump who served as his White House chief of staff for the past six months, was pushed out Friday. Newsletter Sign up for the Ground Game newsletter to get political analysis from James Pindell in your inbox. Boston Globe political reporter Joshua Miller interviewed Congressman Seth Moulton. Watch the event replay. Special section A series from the Boston Globe Was... Link to the full article to read more