Article snippet: Posted at 10:34 am on July 29, 2017 by Susan Wright It was Reince Priebus who cut the legs out from under the delegates at the 2016 RNC Convention in Cleveland. It was Reince Priebus, who took an already cringeworthy set-up video of Cabinet members lavishing President Trump with praise in a round table setting, to a new level of groveling toady-ism. Finding out that for selling his soul for power, his reward was to be humiliated, then kicked into the gutter is oddly satisfying. So how low did Priebus sink before Emperor Trump was through toying with him? Only days after bringing in a new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, it became clear that Scaramucci’s job would not be to handle the flow of media, handle the press corps, or anything of that nature. How could it be? He has no background in communications. He’s just another Wall Street hire (aka… Swamp Thing). No, Scaramucci’s job was to be in-house entertainment. Within hours of his hire, White House press secretary Sean Spicer turned in his resignation. And with barely a week under his belt, Scaramucci’s hateful, profane tirade to Ryan Lizza, a reporter from the New Yorker was released. White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and Priebus were the main targets, with Priebus (who Scaramucci had previously accused of being a leaker) arguably getting the worst of it. By the next day, Priebus was gone. I brought you the report last night that Trump was said to be upset that Priebus didn’t fight bac... Link to the full article to read more
With Priebus out, the Tales of White House Humiliation Begin to Emerge