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Washington Post Gives Friendly Platform to Imam who Called for Annihilation of Jews

posted onJuly 29, 2017

Article snippet: Bonchie //&nbsp Posted at 7:45 pm on July 28, 2017 by Bonchie The media have a long history of excusing Islamic extremism, downplaying it, and pretending it’s not an issue. We’ve all seen the ridiculous “we may never know the motive” headlines after an attack, even as the perpetrators shout Allahu Akbar and admit to joining ISIS. This kind of 1984-esque delusion and obfuscation of reality has become par for the course. So what happens when a California Imam preaches a sermon calling for death to Jews? The Washington Post rushes in to provide rationalization for the statements while giving the Imam a nearly unchallenged platform to defend himself, of course. This is what the Imam, Ammar Shahin, originally said in his July 21st youtube video. Now, I’m no English major, but “annihilate them down to the very last one” seems to be pretty clear, right? Calling Jews “filth” also doesn’t require much context to be exceedingly inflammatory. The Imam, a man named Shahin, gave the following response. He also decries that this incident is being held against him. Shahin is attempting to play a clever game. He clearly calls Jews filth and calls for their annihilation “to the very last one,” leaving no doubt he was speaking in broad terms. Furthermore, in the actual context of the sermon, he used illustrations of Muslims fighting and killing Jews to make his point. To try to white-wash this as just being about a few soldiers at the al-Aqsa mosque is simply not believable. ... Link to the full article to read more

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