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Tracking the Roller Coaster Relationship of Reince Priebus and Donald Trump - The New York Times

posted onJuly 29, 2017

Article snippet: WASHINGTON — Reince Priebus was ousted Friday as President Trump’s chief of staff, after weeks of speculation about his status within the White House. His departure culminated in a very public display of a rivalry with the new White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci. The relationship between Mr. Priebus and Mr. Trump — one a creature of the Republican establishment who rarely speaks in definitives, the other a Manhattan outsider famous for his brash language — goes back much farther than is widely known. Here is a look at some of the milestones in their shared past to help explain their current status. Mr. Trump had only a small team of supporters when, in 2011, he first began toying with the idea of a presidential run. Mr. Priebus, who at the time had tried unsuccessfully make inroads into Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, was one of the few Republicans to take the reality television star seriously. They were divided on a major aspect of Mr. Trump’s early public platform, however. The “having a fraudulent birth certificate played a large role in growing Mr. Trump’s name recognition across the country, especially in conservative corners. Mr. Priebus never agreed with the strategy questioning whether Mr. Obama was a natural-born American citizen. After Mr. Trump announced he would not run in 2012, the two men stayed in touch. Mr. Priebus was already serving as chairman of the Republican National Committee, and saw an opportunity to make th... Link to the full article to read more

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