Article snippet: Since President MORE emerged on the political scene, Democrats have relentlessly challenged the truthfulness of his statements. Ridiculing Trump’s so-called “alternative facts,” the Democrats have some “alternative facts” of their own. Take this statement from the “Our History” page of the DNC website:“For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights, and women's rights.” Any student of history can immediately identify why this statement is not only misleading but in some respects an outright lie. The Democrats of today may claim to champion these ideas, but this has certainly not been the case for “more than 200 years.” ADVERTISEMENT With the possible exception of the party’s support for worker’s rights, these issues were not the Democrats’ concern for nearly a century of the party’s existence. Most significantly, the Democrats were hardly champions of civil rights. For much of its history, the party struggled with division over the question of minority rights. The issue of the expansion of slavery tore the Democrats apart before and after the Civil War. It was actually the Republican Party that was founded on the idea that slavery should be abolished. In 1864, the Republican Party platform stated, “Slavery is hostile to the principles of Republican Government. Justice and the National safety demand its utter and complete extirpation from the soil of the Republic.” Sorry, Tom Perez, it was yo... Link to the full article to read more