Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories After winning a dramatic initial vote, Senate Republicans will see if they can pass a bill, but were met with an early setback Tuesday night. “Let’s trust each other,” said McCain, who returned to the Senate to vote despite a diagnosis of brain cancer. The Senate just voted by a razor-thin margin to debate the health care bill. The two senators were both diagnosed with the same form of brain cancer, and both headed to Washington for critical votes. Speaking with a megaphone to a group of protesters, Warren said the fight to retain the Affordable Care Act was a test for the country. “I am disappointed in the attorney general, he should not have recused himself,” President Trump told reporters Tuesday afternoon. James Pindell | Ground Game Here are three problems the president would have in firing the attorney general. Susan Collins of Maine and Jack Reed of R.I. discussed the federal budget — and the president’s lack of familiarity with governing. “I don’t mean to be unkind, but he’s so unattractive it’s unbelievable,” the Maine senator said of Blake Farenthold in comments caught on a hot mic. Well, Romney sure looks relaxed. “I am disappointed in the attorney general, he should not have recused himself,” President Trump told reporters Tuesday afternoon. The president mentioned his electoral college victories in Michigan and Pennsylv... Link to the full article to read more
Politics - The Boston Globe