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NYT Writer: White Women Are Walking Like Racists

posted onJuly 25, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 5:00 pm on July 24, 2017 by Kira Davis Recently at the Resurgent, writer Peter Heck penned a very entertaining and disturbing op-ed about the turn of stupidity modern identity politics has taken and how it requires all of us to sacrifice science, experience, and conventional wisdom at the altar of emotion. The New York Times continues to lead the charge on sanity by giving voice to the ridiculous – this time in the form of writer Greg Howard. In a regular column titled “Was that Racist?” writers are invited to share their stories of vague racism or microaggressions and how it made them feel. The very title is an indication of the inanity of what’s to follow. Racism is easy to spot and anyone who has experienced real and visceral racism can tell you that. It doesn’t require an 800-word diatribe to figure it out. If you have to ask, the answer is probably, “No. You’re looking too hard.” But let’s dive right into Mr. Howard’s complaints. They are vast and they are detailed. He begins his whining essay by outlining his fitness as a seasoned New York City walker – a quality I actually admire and endorse. He doesn’t dawdle or lolly-gag and he walks with purpose. (Everyone needs to adopt this attitude about walking in the big city!) We know right away that Howard is at the least a responsible citizen, at most the pedestrian version of Mother Theresa. It quickly devolves from there. I can’t help but laugh at the image Howard expects us to digest at this moment... Link to the full article to read more

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