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The Gross Insincerity of Charlie Gard Defenders

posted onJuly 25, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 4:05 am on July 25, 2017 by Kimberly Ross It has been heartbreaking to watch the story of U.K. infant Charlie Gard unfold. The precious little boy, born last August, suffers from mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. His prognosis? Death. Charlie’s grieving parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, have tirelessly fought for his right to receive treatment, albeit experimental, beyond what the Great Ormond Street Hospital can provide. As my colleague Andrea Ruth wrote on Monday, Charlie’s parents decided to end their legal battle in the British courts, and will spend the remaining, fleeting moments of Charlie’s life by his side. This post is not about his parents and their loving efforts to do anything they could to give him just a chance at life. Their strength during such a public, torturous trial is an example to us all. This post is not about the individuals who value life in all stages and forms, and have defended Charlie Gard’s chance at continued existence every step of the way. What this post is about is the blatant hypocrisy woven into the very fabric of this story, coming from those who support the right to life only on this side of the womb. This is solely about those who value pro-abort choice over chance. Charlie’s bleak medical prognosis did not come until he was three months old. He was born healthy. Had he been given such a diagnosis while still in the womb, too many rightly mourning his state-mandated death sentence would have cheered on... Link to the full article to read more

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