Article snippet: As the Andrew M. Cuomo on Monday by issuing its own list of priorities, including focusing on the basic needs of the transit system rather than on more cosmetic changes. And city officials repeated a warning: Do not expect us to pay for the subway fixes. The city’s first deputy mayor, Anthony Shorris, said that it was clear that Mr. Cuomo ran the authority and that it was up to the governor and subway officials to use the money the agency had — or to shift funds from less important projects — to pay for the badly needed subway improvements. “We have a long way to go before anybody has to reach into taxpayers’ pockets,” Mr. Shorris said in a call with reporters. The authority’s chairman, Joseph J. Lhota, dismissed the city’s list of recommendations, calling it “silly” political posturing. Mr. Lhota said that the city had committed $2.5 billion to the authority’s long-term capital budget, but that his rescue plan this week would focus on the system’s immediate operating needs. “He leaves people with the impression that we’re sitting on cash, and we’re not,” Mr. Lhota said of Mayor de Blasio in an interview in which Mr. Lhota repeated his call for the city to help pay for the emergency plan. On Sunday, Mayor de Blasio organized a subway ride with reporters to demand that Mr. Cuomo fix the subway. The mayor’s comments came after Mr. Cuomo and Mr. Lhota attacked Mr. de Blasio for not becoming more involved in addressing the system’s mounting problems. They also argued... Link to the full article to read more
De Blasio Escalates Showdown With Cuomo Over Subway - The New York Times