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A conservative Republican (me) supports single-payer (very reluctantly), because there is no real alternative

posted onJuly 21, 2017

Article snippet: Dana Pico //&nbsp Posted at 10:43 am on July 20, 2017 by Dana Pico (promoted from the diaries by streiff) William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove concluded, in an article entitled CNN Poll: Fewer Want GOP To Repeal And Replace Obamacare: Of course they do: even the worst government program has some beneficiaries, people for whom maintaining the program is far more important to their economic well-being than the waste of money is to taxpayers in general. Patterico is incensed: More at the original. As I said yesterday, none of the Republican plans have been anything more than Obaminablecare Lite, because there are only so many ways you can utilize the private, for-profit insurance system to force coverage for everybody. The plain fact is that about half of Republicans — including me — objects to Obysmalcare not due to the way in which it attempts to provide insurance coverage for everyone, but that the government is trying to provide health care coverage for those who cannot or will not pay for it themselves in the first place. The problem is that the other half of Republicans might hate Obumblecare¹ but agree with the cockamamie notion that the government should be responsible for providing health care coverage, and the GOP’s electoral advantage depends in part on a significant number of people who would lose health insurance or Medicaid if the current law is repealed. There are only two significant ways to change the laughably-named Affordable Care Act: eithe... Link to the full article to read more

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