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The danger of Donald Trump’s public musings on history - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 8, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories Ground Game Sign up here. President Trump granted a series of interviews Monday, each one yielding a headline-making comment that could have dominated nightly news for days. But one head-scratching comment rose above the rest. In those interviews, Trump said he would be “honored” to meet with the North Korean dictator under “right circumstances.” The president floated a gas tax and breaking up big banks. He stopped an interview following questions about his accusation that former president Obama had wiretapped him. In other news cycles, any one of those comments would take the lead. But it was another Trump comment, in an interview with the Washington Examiner, that proved dominant. “I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War,” he told The Examiner. “He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War; he said, ‘There’s no reason for this.’” Mr. Trump added: “People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War, if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?” Of course, it might have been hard for Jackson to be “really angry” about the Civil War because he died 16 years before the first shots were fired (Trump tweeted later that Jackson “saw ... Link to the full article to read more

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