Article snippet: Posted at 6:44 am on July 16, 2017 by Jay Caruso It’s hard to fathom how reasonably intelligent people fall into the trap of believing the most ridiculous of stories. Dr. Theodore Woodward came up with the aphorism, “When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras.” It was a warning to medical students who want to believe the common cold is an exotic disease. Law enforcement uses the phrase as well. The solution to a crime is usually the simplest explanation, not a twisted web of events. The meeting Donald Trump Jr. put together in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer stinks to high heaven. The straw man argument that it’s “no big deal” because it wasn’t illegal is similar to talk I heard from Clinton defenders in the 1990’s. Caught with their hands in the cookie jar, supporters of Bill and Hillary Clinton argued what they may have been immoral, but it didn’t matter because it was not illegal. Whether it was illegal or not, is irrelevant. The fact is, Donald Trump Jr. was happy to meet with people he thought might have connections to the Russian government and who had information damaging to Hillary Clinton. Trump Jr. didn’t care and that makes what he did, at the very least, sleazy. However, since the news broke, Trump defenders have engaged in mental gymnastics that not even Ripley would believe. Convinced the meeting was nothing but a setup by Democrats, their delusion grows deeper day by day to the point where Alex Jones is giggling at the absurdity of it al... Link to the full article to read more