Article snippet: The report, published Saturday, details the long-running feud and how the White House got sucked into it. It said: According to the report, Natalia Veselnitskaya, a private lawyer and former Russian prosecutor who was defending a client charged with violating the Magnitsky Act, told the paper that she sought a meeting last year with the Trump campaign to spread information about Browder, a champion of the Act. She asked Aras Agalarov — a Russian-Azerbaijani property developer who organized the 2013 Miss Universe pageant with Trump in Moscow — for help in arranging a meeting with the Trump campaign. Veselnitskaya had done some real estate-related legal work for Agalarov’s company over the years, Agalarov family lawyer Scott Balber said. Veselnitskaya, who has been described in the media as a “Kremlin-connected lawyer,” apparently did not have her own connections to Trump, who had recently officially become the GOP nominee. Veselnitskaya told the Wall Street Journal that Trump Jr. was only one of several people she petitioned in her effort to have the Magnitsky Act repealed and to discredit Browder. Agalarov’s pop-star son Emin then had his publicist, Rob Goldstone, reach out to Trump Jr. to arrange the meeting. Goldstone then emailed Trump Jr., alleging that the elder Agalarov had recently met with Russia’s “Crown Prosecutor,” and wanted to provide the Trump campaign incriminating information on Trump’s campaign opponent Hillary Clinton. It’s not clear why Goldsto... Link to the full article to read more
Report Details How a Long-Running Russian Feud Spilled Over to Campaign Politics