Article snippet: Republican Sen. the GOP health care bill. With them both in opposition to the legislation, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can afford only one more no vote to get the 50 yeses he needs to pass the bill. McConnell announced Saturday night that the vote will be delayed while Arizona Sen. John McCain is recovering from surgery removing a blood clot from above his left eye. Collins tweeted her decision Thursday to vote against any motion to proceed on the bill, citing the deep cuts to Medicaid. She said on "This Week" that she is also concerned about the bill's giving insurers the option of offering bare-bones health plans. “It could lead to insurance plans that really are barely insurance at all. It would cause premiums to increase for some very vulnerable individuals, including those with pre-existing conditions, depending on what states decide to do,” she added. The GOP senator said she also sees serious flaws in the existing Affordable Care Act. “It has produced premium increases that are very troubling and difficult for people to afford, particularly those who don’t get the subsidies under the current law,” she said. The solution, Collins said, is to tackle health care through “the normal process of committee hearings, expert witnesses, and writing a bill with bipartisan support.” President Obama “made a serious mistake when he pushed through the Affordable Care Act without a single Republican vote,” she said. “I don’t want to ma... Link to the full article to read more