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SHOCKER. You Won't Believe Who Employed the "Former Soviet Counterintelligence Official" in Trump Meeting

posted onJuly 16, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 6:00 pm on July 14, 2017 by streiff Yesterday, NBC News ran a breathless and, as it turned out, dishonest story about a “former Soviet counterintelligence official” who was also in the now-famous meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who was banned from entering the United States but to whom, for some reason, the Obama Justice Department granted a special permission just in time for the meeting with Trump, Jr. Naturally, the same cadre of NeverTrumpers and anti-Trumpers were quick off the mark tying this guy, Rinat Akhmetshin, by inference, to the KGB/SVR/FSB and to the Trump campaign. Sometimes to read this stuff you’d think there was a law against using Google or maybe your brain. There is a problem with this story. Rinat Akhmetshin works for/with Fusion GPS. Take this March 31 letter from Senator Charles Grassley to then-acting deputy attorney general Dana Boente–that’s right March 31: And that is how NBC lies by omission. Akhmetshin’s links to pro-Russia lobbying efforts and to Fusion GPS are well documented. Fusion GPS’s links to pro-Russia lobbying efforts and to the international woman of mystery, Natalia Veselnitskaya, are also known. But the fact that two Fusion GPS operatives had a meeting with Trump, Jr., at a time when their employer/prime contractor/whatever was shopping the Trump dossier doesn’t even cause a tingle of curiosity. Right now we have two of the attendees at this meeting, that would be both of... Link to the full article to read more

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