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Meet the other father-son duo embroiled in the latest Trump-Russia scandal - ABC News

posted onJuly 14, 2017

Article snippet: A powerful father-son dynamic has emerged amid the latest revelations about Russian involvement in the 2016 election and it isn't just Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. Aras Agalarov and his son Emin Agalarov have become part of the saga in light of their connection and alleged involvement in the meeting between Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney. Their first names are mentioned in the email chain that Trump Jr. released showing the arrangement of his meeting with a Russian lawyer who he was told may have "information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father." The Azerbaijan-born father and son have known the Trumps for several years and while they are well-known in Russia, they are not as recognizable in the U.S. Emin Agalarov is a singer from Azerbaijan and a vice president of his father's development company, the Crocus Group. In an email in the chain, Goldstone writes, "Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting." In a statement released Tuesday, Trump Jr. said that Emin Agalarov was "a person I knew from the 2013 Instagram account on Tuesday. The picture of him in a car was captioned "Finally sunshine" with several sun emojis and then "What's new???" in Russian, which some are seeing as a nod at the unfolding saga in the U.S. Finally sunshine ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? A post shared by eminofficial (@eminofficial) on Jul 11, 2017 at 10:43am P... Link to the full article to read more

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