Article snippet: WASHINGTON — The likely defection of two Senate Republicans has left their leaders no margin for error as they move on Thursday to unveil another version of their bill to repeal much of the Affordable Care Act — without an assurance that they have the votes even to begin debate next week. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky flatly declared on Wednesday that he would not vote to take up the bill, which he said left too much of President Barack Obama’s health law in place. Senator Susan Collins of Maine has gone almost as far, saying that the bill cuts too much and that only major revisions could win her over. The loss of a single additional senator would doom, at least for now, the Republicans’ effort to make good on their seven-year promise to uproot the health law. Unity is proving elusive. A lunch meeting of Republican senators on Wednesday ended with no clear consensus. After scrapping plans for a vote last month, the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, wants to try again next week. But senators have shown few signs of substantial progress toward the needed 50 votes. Mr. Paul said on Wednesday that the revised version of Mr. McConnell’s bill was even worse than the original proposal. The new version, he said, provides more subsidies to insurance companies, and it keeps some of the taxes imposed by the Affordable Care Act that the original bill would have repealed. “We promised the American voters that we would repeal Obamacare,” Mr. Paul said. “But... Link to the full article to read more
Senate Republicans, Preparing New Health Bill, Have No Votes to Spare - The New York Times