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Pushing for Vote on Health Care Bill, Trump Seems Unclear on Its Details - The New York Times

posted onMay 1, 2017

Article snippet: WASHINGTON — After two false starts on President Trump’s promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Trump administration officials are pressing the House to vote on a revised version of the Republican repeal bill this week, perhaps as soon as Wednesday, administration officials said. And Mr. Trump insisted that the Republican health legislation would not allow discrimination against people with pre-existing medical conditions, an assertion contradicted by numerous health policy experts as well as the American Medical Association. “Pre-existing conditions are in the bill,” the president said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “And I mandate it. I said, ‘Has to be.’” On Twitter, he promised that a new health care plan was “on its way.” It will, he added on Twitter, “have much lower premiums & deductibles while at the same time taking care of pre-existing conditions!” Which bill Mr. Trump was referring to is not clear. Since the first version of the American Health Care Act failed to win enough House support on March 24, revisions to win over the conservative House Freedom Caucus have undermined protections for the sick. The conservatives finally endorsed the legislation last week after House leaders revised it to permit states to opt out of several mandates in the Affordable Care Act. States could, for example, allow insurers to provide a more limited package of health benefits than the Affordable Care Act requires. With a waiver, states could also allow ins... Link to the full article to read more

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