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Mosul, Hamburg, Wimbledon: Your Monday Briefing - The New York Times

posted onJuly 10, 2017

Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • Iraq’s prime minister declared victory and congratulated his armed forces for wresting Mosul, the country’s second-largest city, from the Islamic State. But government troops were still mopping up pockets of resistance and expected guerrilla attacks for weeks to come. Analysts warn that ISIS, despite its losses, remains a potent force for inspiring global terrorism. Meanwhile, the U.S., Russia and Jordan agreed on fostering a cease-fire in Syria’s southwest. Peace talks in Geneva resume today. _____ • The residents of Hamburg, Germany, are assessing (and cleaning up) the damage left behind by violent clashes on the sidelines of the G-20 summit meeting. In a victory for Chancellor Angela Merkel, world leaders declared they would move forward on climate change without the U.S. It was also a sign that European leaders have stopped trying to paper over their differences with the Trump administration. For President Trump, the trip to Europe was a surprising early high point in his presidency. Especially in Poland, he found that there might be a market for conservative nationalism. _____ • Russia cheered Mr. Trump’s meeting with President Vladimir Putin, and Mr. Trump took to Twitter to declare that it was time for the U.S. to work constructively with the Kremlin, despite the invasion of Ukraine and meddling in the American presidential election. Mr. Trump announced,... Link to the full article to read more

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