Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories It is unclear whether the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, actually produced the promised compromising information about Hillary Clinton. “The Republicans’ so-called ‘health care’ bill comes back to life more often than the lead zombie in a horror movie,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said President Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin went ‘‘about the way we expected.’’ Trump did not dispute Moscow’s claim that he had accepted Putin’s denial of involvement. The proposal, floated by the president earlier Sunday, earned derision from both sides of the aisle. Warren was thrown from his bicycle after it hit a pothole in Stow on Sunday. “The Republicans’ so-called ‘health care’ bill comes back to life more often than the lead zombie in a horror movie,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren. GOP leaders still have not sent President Trump his first unqualified legislative triumph. Newsletter Sign up for the Ground Game newsletter to get political analysis from James Pindell in your inbox. Boston Globe political reporter Joshua Miller interviewed Congressman Seth Moulton. Watch the event replay. Special section A series from the Boston Globe Washington bureau examining the unsettled American electorate. Recent work from Boston Globe political reporters. Frank Phillips is the State House bureau ... Link to the full article to read more
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