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Lena Dunham Proves She Is Terrible Among More Than One Species

posted onJuly 8, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 7:00 pm on July 7, 2017 by Andrea Ruth Warning: Make sure you’re sitting down before you read any further. There’s some rather shocking news to share. Turns out Lena Dunham is a lousy human being. I know. I know. But add to your current scoffing of her lousiness the fact that she returned her rescue dog, Lamby (!!!), to the animal shelter where she adopted him three years ago. Not three months ago. Three years ago. You know, back when Harry Reid was still the Senate Majority Leader and Caitlyn Jenner was still Bruce. And what has she done with Lamby in the years she’s had the canine in her care? Brought him to green rooms when she made television appearances, had him join in on photo shoots, featured him prominently on social media, and of course, she wrote multiple longwinded, oh-so-Lena-Dunham-esque think pieces on her life with Lamby. So it was quite the announcement when the woman who identifies so closely with The Simpsons Lisa if her Instagram account is any indication, who is notoriously a Buddhist on the show, would discard an animal she’d adopted so long ago. But here it is: A lot of you have been asking where Lamby is these days since he's always been the star of my gram and I've been posting pics of my poodle girls. Well, you know honesty is my jam but this one has been really heartbreaking to talk about. But I feel I have to share that last March, after four years of challenging behavior and aggression that could not be treated with traini... Link to the full article to read more

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