Article snippet: WASHINGTON — Mitch McConnell excels at devising crafty ways for Senate Republicans to avoid paying a high price on politically explosive issues. Take, for instance, his ingenious 2011 plan to clear the way for increases in the federal debt limit without Republican fingerprints. The McConnell maneuver turned the always-contentious process on its head and allowed Republicans to register their opposition to the increases while simultaneously permitting the necessary rise in the debt limit to avoid an economic meltdown. Even critics tipped their hats. Mr. McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, is going to need all the creativity he can muster to escape his current predicament. The Senate’s Republican health care plan is in real trouble, and the fight that will be renewed next week on Capitol Hill is exposing the limits of Mr. McConnell’s prowess in bending his colleagues and the Senate to his will. Deep understanding of Senate procedures and shrewd political instincts can only get you so far when many of your colleagues are truly anxious and fear the consequences of taking major action on health care policy. “It could not be more different from the difficulty of raising the debt limit because it is policy that affects millions of Americans and health care is so personal,” said Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, who is among those who have balked at her party’s plan. Mr. McConnell knew his best chance to pass the bill was a quick strike be... Link to the full article to read more
Mitch McConnell, Master Tactician, Faces Daunting Challenge: A Health Bill - The New York Times