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CNN Damaging Its Reputation and Brand Value at the Worst Time

posted onJuly 7, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 8:30 pm on July 6, 2017 by Brad Slager   I’m not a corporate raider, but maybe devaluing your company by becoming an embarrassment of frequent foibles during a merger is ill-advised? It was a tough Independence Day for CNN, the Nation’s foremost news organization. After a deepening battle of a personal nature President Donald Trump delivered a tweet (an act out of character for him, to be sure) that served as a shot across the bow. It contained the infamous wrestling gif that has altered the internet forever, and it may have changed the course of CNN permanently. Network executives seem to have bypassed a reality that their parent company, Time/Warner, is in the process of being taken over by media giant AT&T. There are any number of details that could rear up and send these acquisition deals sideways. One of the target corporation’s boutique properties seen lowering its value faster than a brownstone converted to a frat house could be just the deal breaker. The past few days have shown the network is operating in a strata of obliviousness and feeling smug within a self-created bubble of protection. In becoming offended by a gif with the corporate CNN logo superimposed over a wrestler’s face all manner of common sense has been jettisoned. First was the insistence the video was some kind of declaration of violence upon reporters. A few of these reporters gleefully detailed that to declare CNN “fake news” Trump used video from a fake sport. Someh... Link to the full article to read more

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