Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on July 6, 2017 by Jay Caruso Politics is a culture all of its own. Some people vote, some write letters to the editor, and some people breathe politics every day, whether they do it for a living or simply out of a passion for the political process. There are times when politicos are consumed with their own little world that sometimes they forget that end of every political diatribe they have, a real, live person on the receiving end. Just when everybody thought the WWE/Trump meme hysteria had died down, it roared back to life with vigor when CNN, led by reporter Andrew Kaczynski, managed to find the person who made the original meme in the form of a GIF. It depicted a scene from a WWE wrestling match with Donald Trump pummeling a person with a CNN logo for a face (it was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon). The video President Trump used in his tweet was created separately, but CNN managed to find the original Reddit user. Unsurprisingly, the man turned out to be a bigot, with people discovering a bunch of racist screeds on Reddit. Caught, he apologized and deleted his Reddit account. It raised the hackles of some people, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. What got the outrage train moving was CNN’s addition of a line that stated while they knew the identity of the Reddit user, they would allow him to remain anonymous but could change their mind. It set off a round of accusations about blackmail and doxing. It also raised questions about whether or not... Link to the full article to read more