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G-20, Donald Trump, Wimbledon: Your Thursday Briefing - The New York Times

posted onJuly 6, 2017

Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • White House advisers are nervous about President Trump’s first sit-down with President Vladimir Putin of Russia, which is scheduled for tomorrow at the G-20 summit meeting in Hamburg, Germany. European efforts to isolate Mr. Trump for rejecting the Paris climate change agreement appear to be faltering as other participants, including Russia and Turkey, could side with the U.S. Meanwhile, policy makers in Berlin are mulling whether the Continent can still rely on American security assurances. Some have called for a pan-European nuclear umbrella. _____ • Mr. Trump is now in Poland for talks with the right-wing government there, which shares many of his views, including on immigration and climate change. He will also meet with other eastern European leaders. And Mr. Trump is set to deliver a major speech at the site of the Warsaw Uprising during World War II. Check back throughout the day for more coverage of his trip. Separately, an American congressman’s video calling for stronger antiterrorism measures, filmed at a gas chamber at Auschwitz in Poland, drew a rebuke from the former extermination camp’s museum. He retracted the video. _____ • President Xi Jinping of China will also be in Hamburg, ready to slip into the widening gap between Mr. Trump and America’s longtime European allies and to position Beijing as a defender of a multilateral, rules-based world or... Link to the full article to read more

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