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VENGEANCE! CNN Seeks Out, Confronts Reddit User Who Made Trump/CNN GIF

posted onJuly 5, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 10:00 pm on July 4, 2017 by Joe Cunningham Journalists were gobsmacked to discover that Trump tweeted an animated GIF of him from his wrestling days knocking out someone with the CNN logo superimposed over his head. Among the scandalized were the “targets” of the tweet – CNN itself. And so, CNN did what any reasonable, sensible, and journalistic operation would do: they sought out the person who originally made the GIF on Reddit. Oh good. Glad to know CNN is pursuing the most important news of the day. Why on EARTH is this a story that needed to be told? Are we going to seek out the creators of every meme, Photoshop, and video posted by every politician now? Or just the ones we disagree with? Or just Trump? How is this going to work? If something contains a news organization’s logo, is it the responsibility of that organization to seek out the maker of the file? This is an absolutely absurd piece of journalism – the type of thing I’d expect a blogger with an ideological vendetta to pull. Not something CNN attaches its name to… or, at least something I wouldn’t have expected of them prior to 2017. But, the title of this post mentions “VENGEANCE!” and this is what made me think some of that was involved: That last line (emphasis mine) seems a whole lot like a threat, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s not meant to be, but at the same time, it sounds an awful lot like a warning shot. “Hey, you do this again, and we’re blowing the whistle.” This is just stupid, an... Link to the full article to read more

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