Article snippet: Posted at 9:31 pm on July 3, 2017 by streiff One of the last in a litany of shameful acts committed by the Obama administration was allowing the passage of of UNSC Resolution 2334 on December 23, 2016. In a unique act of perfidy, the Obama administration allowed a one-sided resolution to be passed condemning Israel for activities inside of settlements that are recognized as being Israeli territory in any Two State solution. Not only did the White House lobby nations to vote in favor of the resolution, the White House lied about the role it and the State Department played in that lobbying even after transcripts were leaked of the lobbying. The Israeli government has charged that the Obama administration instigated the resolution. While there has been no evidence of that presented to date, it is certainly consistent with the anti-Israel, pro-Iran bias of the White House. Former ambassador Dan Shapiro has offered the inside story of why the administration decided to sandbag a loyal and steadfast ally in its last month in power: This is both bizarre and believable. It is bizarre because no UNSCR was going to change the policy of the incoming White House one whit. At the same time it is totally in keeping with Obama’s character. While Trump is rightly criticized for being petty and vindictive, his real offense is doing so in a crass and boorish way while shadowed by a malignant media. No one takes a backseat to Obama in petulance and vindictiveness. The message h... Link to the full article to read more