Article snippet: Posted at 10:00 pm on July 2, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Despite what you may have heard from the folks who indiscriminately praise Trump’s every move like he were Anthony Fremont in the “It’s a Good Life” episode of The Twilight Zone, I’m no fan of the left wing media and I agree they have been dishonest and unfair in their coverage of Trump. It may also surprise a lot of people that one can simultaneously think Trump’s tweeting a GIF depicting him beating up a CNN logo at a professional wrestling event is buffoonish and unbecoming without thinking it’s an exhortation to violence. That’s just crazy. CNN’s Brian Stelter thinks such a notion is worthy of investigation though. For anyone familiar with Internet culture, the GIF Trump tweeted is obviously not a violent threat. Even if he had intended for it to be, it’s still obviously not. Visual jokes like this fly around the web by the millions. Trump’s is tame compared to many such GIFs that routinely populate the Twitterverse. Apart from the ongoing debate over whether the leader of the free world should also be the sh*tposter in chief, the only questionable element to the story is how the GIF made it into the President’s hands. It reportedly originated on the subreddit /The_Donald which has a pretty unsavory reputation. The maker of the GIF, once identified, went about sanitizing his Reddit presence of racist and offensive language. He was thrilled that the”God Emperor himself” had used his GIF though. Quartz spec... Link to the full article to read more
CNN Reporter Investigates Whether Trump is Guilty of a Twitter TOS Violation