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States Say No To Trump’s Ask for Voter Data and Here’s Why They’re Right

posted onJuly 1, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 2:57 am on July 1, 2017 by Andrea Ruth As of Friday afternoon, twenty-two states have declined to cooperate completely with the Trump administration’s request for them to submit sensitive voter data. Voter data they have no right to have. All in order for the President to carry on with the silly conspiracy theory that he actually won the popular vote, as well as the electoral vote. The request from the “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity” is tangential to the allegation Trump made following the 2016 election that millions of votes had been cast illegally. An allegation that’s been debunked since, and honestly makes no rational sense to anyone who knows anything about how elections actually happen at a local and state level. The bipartisan declines from states to comply with sending the commission such sensitive data as social security numbers (and via email, as the request indicates, which is notoriously unsecured) is an optimistic sign that states still take their role as the holder of voter and election information sacrosanct. On Wednesday, Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, who is the vice chairman of the commission, sent a request giving states approximately two weeks to comply. The request included over a dozen data points, including date of birth, current address, last four of social security numbers, military status, voting history, party registration, and felony convictions. Most of which is against the law for the exec... Link to the full article to read more

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