Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 pm on June 29, 2017 by Susan Wright Sarah Huckabee Sanders is probably worse at her job as Deputy White House Press Secretary than Sean Spicer is as Press Secretary. When pressed over President Trump’s hateful tweet storm from Thursday morning, where he took shots at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski, Sanders was not helpful. At all. He’s a fighter! How long and how much embarrassment must we slog through before we stop using that as a legitimate excuse? Was it ever a legitimate excuse? I’m going to say no. It’s not. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have condemned the president’s remarks. You can certainly expect to hear these remarks used throughout the 2018 midterm election season. Trump continues to write the left’s attack ads for them. Republicans would be wise to make their stands against such behavior vocal and decisive. There will come a time when the stench of this administration will rub off on every Republican representative down the ladder. Female GOP members should be especially perturbed. Sanders, not to be outdone or dissuaded, powered on with her excuses. Then how much more above the fray should the president be? That’s kind of the point. Well, we usually speak His name and say Jesus is the one perfect role model. I can see being raised by a Baptist minister really left an impression. Did she seriously say priorities aren’t what America wants to hear about, and then blamed the media for not chasing the White House r... Link to the full article to read more