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Another Trump-Is-Incompetent Story Burns Out in Less Than a Day

posted onJune 29, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 8:30 pm on June 28, 2017 by streiff Late Monday evening, the Trump administration took an unprecedented step of warning Syria’s Assad that they knew he was planning a chemical strike and that he should best think two or three times before going ahead with it. And it warned Russia and Iran that they would be held jointly responsible if the attack took place. Shortly after this statement was released, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley weighed in: Despite getting good reviews from arms control experts, the Trump-is-stupid bandwagon cranked into high gear: (Full disclosure, I’ve met Ackerman once–it was quite enough–and found him to be a noxious little poseur, a wannabe strategist without the guts to ever take the hard step of joining the military.) And, naturally, the Most Slappable Face On the InternetTM chimed in Naturally, as Trump is stupid and evil, therefore anything he does is stupid and evil. Even a child could understand this. There are two problems with the theory. The first is that because unreliable people who leak regularly to anti-administration media didn’t know it was coming didn’t mean that people who needed to know didn’t know about it. The second is that if Nikki Haley weighed in, then obviously Rex Tillerson knew about it. If Tillerson knew about it, then senior policy advisers at State knew. And if Tillerson knew, then McMaster knew. And if McMaster knew, then Mattis knew. And both McMaster and Mattis were raised in an environment w... Link to the full article to read more

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