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How the Trump administration plans on implementing its limited travel ban - ABC News

posted onJune 29, 2017

Article snippet: The president’s limited travel ban could go into effect as early as tomorrow morning, 72 hours after the Supreme Court allowed it to proceed. The Departments of Homeland Security and State are aiming to implement the limited ban tomorrow. There are no plans to delay implementation. The Supreme Court said the ban could go forward, with an exception for people who have "any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States." Lawyers from the Departments of Justice, State and Homeland Security are all working to define "bona fide relationship" and to make sure the implementation of the order will be in compliance with the ruling. After President Trump signed his first order in January restricting travel, which became effective immediately, there was widespread confusion over who was permitted to enter the country. Visa holders at airports were detained, and immigration lawyers scrambled to get them released and admitted into the country. Similar confusion is not expected tomorrow, in part because the administration decided to delay implementation for 72 hours to allow for preparations. Anyone from one of the six affected countries who has already been issued a visa will be allowed to enter, according to a State Department official. No visas have been canceled by the ruling, and any refugee who has been scheduled to be resettled before July 6 will be allowed to enter. Homeland Security will work with its component agencies, primarily Cus... Link to the full article to read more

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