Article snippet: Posted at 7:45 pm on June 26, 2017 by Jay Caruso It is stunning to watch people go after Robert Mueller and James Comey as if they were left-wing Democrats. But it’s happening. A new ad by the pro-Trump group, Great American Alliance, talks up the “witch hunt” angle in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and it uses Facebook “star” Tomi Lahren to do it. Here is the ad in all of its awfulness: Before even getting into the issue of who has more credibility, James Comey, and Robert Mueller or Donald Trump, it’s a good idea to pick apart the ad and the blatant disregard it has for the truth. 1. The accusation that Comey is a “leaker” is partisan nonsense – First of all, the claim that executive privilege covers the conversations between Comey and Trump is absurd. When President Trump, in his termination letter to Comey, talked about the three occasions in which Comey said Trump was not personally under investigation, Trump waived any claims of executive privilege. Also, if the Trump administration had any basis for claiming the conversations were privileged, they’d have prevented Comey from testifying. That’s not coming from me. I am referring to Bradley Moss, an attorney familiar with these matters and his expertise. 2. The smearing of Mueller’s staff is right out of the Clinton playbook – In addition to Lahren mispronouncing Mueller’s name (it’s pronounced “muller” not “mewler”), the smear against Mueller’s staff is something we used to s... Link to the full article to read more