Article snippet: Posted at 9:00 pm on June 25, 2017 by streiff The man at ground zero of the rapidly deflating Trump-colluded-with-Russia conspiracy theory is the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. Kislyak has been the Russian ambassador to the United States for nearly a decade. During the past year, though, he’s become famous as the man everyone has met but no one remembers meeting. That era is coming to an end. Kislyak has been recalled to Moscow. In the bad old days, being recalled to Moscow meant an unpleasant meeting with some unpleasant men from the KGB followed by a bullet in the back of the head in a basement in Lubyanka prison. Kislyak probably isn’t looking at that fate but his recall is a direct result of him being made so radioactive by the Russia-collusion stories that no one wants to meet with him and what good is an ambassador no one wants to meet with. Link to the full article to read more
Russian Collusion Claims Its First Victim