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New Russian Ambassador Makes Life Hard for Trump and Tillerson

posted onJune 26, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 10:00 pm on June 25, 2017 by streiff As I just posted, long time Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak has been recalled to Moscow. Who has Russia selected to replace him? The fact that Russia is sending a “hard liner” to replace Kislyak should calm down the “Russia is not our friend” crowd, but it won’t because those same people never cared about Russia until Trump was elected. But a hardline ambassador is not a problem, we’ve had lots of those sent by Russia since 1917. Antonov is under EU sanctions over his role in the aggression against Ukraine: If Tillerson wants to play hardball with Moscow, because Antonov’s appointment seems like a calculated insult, he should refuse to accept his credentials and force Moscow to send a replacement. That probably won’t happen but it would be epic political theater if he did. Link to the full article to read more

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