Article snippet: National Football League Hall of Famer Deion Sanders defended his new partnership with the Republican billionaires David and Charles Koch Saturday, saying he’s “all in” with the pair despite their conservative political affiliations. Sanders announced a new program with the Koch’s anti-poverty group Stand Together to help at-risk families in the Dallas area, where he played football for the Dallas Cowboys for four years, The Washington Examiner reported. Sanders said media portrayals of the Koch brothers have been unfair and that he has no second thoughts about teaming up with the Republican powerhouses, according to the Examiner. "You talk about a family that has one desire: to make this country a better place," Sanders reportedly said. "To level the playing field, to inspire, encourage, motivate. And that's what they do, and that's who they are, and I'm thankful to be partnered with them." "I think I chose correctly," he said. "I'm happy where I am and who I'm with, because we share a lot of the same values and goals, and I'm thankful to be part of this team." The new program, Prime 5, will help families in the Dallas area with employment, personal finances, family issues, education, substance abuse and trauma, according to reports. Sanders was in Colorado Springs this weekend, where the Koch brothers were holding a summit to fundraise for the program, The Examiner reported. "We are committed to helping people improve their lives," Sanders said. "This is an op... Link to the full article to read more