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‘Brexit,’ Lewis Hamilton, Italy: Your Monday Briefing - The New York Times

posted onJune 26, 2017

Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • The Grenfell Tower fire in London has become a symbol of Britain’s economic and class divides. Our investigation into its causes found a dangerous web of business-friendly politicians and loosened regulation. The authorities have ordered the evacuation of thousands of people from buildings with the same kind of flammable facade Grenfell Tower had. Some are refusing to leave. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Theresa May’s government today is expected to outline its proposal on what rights E.U. citizens now living in Britain will have after “Brexit.” For some perspective, here are seven of our best articles on the subject. _____ • In Italy, center-right parties scored victories in runoff local elections, even winning in Genoa, the left’s stronghold. Turnout was low. Immigration, on the rise again, took center stage, and mainstream parties promised a tougher stance. Our bureau chief followed campaigning in Como, near the Swiss border. The center-right candidate who called for the removal of economic migrants won. _____ • President Trump’s refusal to acknowledge Russia’s cyberattacks last year has dismayed fellow Republicans. Some warn that little has been done to safeguard upcoming elections against intrusions. Washington will spend the week gripped in debate over Senate Republicans’ health care bill, which would undo much of President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act... Link to the full article to read more

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