Article snippet: Senate Democratic Leader middle class and unite Democrats. "Here’s the number one lesson from Georgia Sixth," Schumer said in reference to the Democratic loss in the special election last week in Georgia's Sixth District outside Atlanta. "Democrats need a strong, bold, sharp-edged and commonsense economic agenda -- policy, platform, message that appeal to the middle class...and unite Democrats," the Senate minority leader said. "I think if we come up with this strong, bold economic package, it will ... change things around," Schumer said. "People don’t like Trump; he’s at 40 percent [approval rating.] But they say, 'What the heck do the Democrats stand for?' We better stand for something, and it can’t be baby steps." The New York senator also addressed the Senate health care bill unveiled by Republicans on Thursday, which he said stands about a 50 percent chance of passing. “I think they have, at best, a 50-50 chance of passing this bill," Schumer said, adding that the legislation “is just devastating. And that’s what’s making it so hard for them to pass it.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hopes to bring the bill to a vote on the Senate floor before the July 4 recess. So far five Republican senators have announced their opposition to the bill in its current form, leaving in question whether the bill can clear the 50-vote threshold for passage. The GOP Senate leadership unveiled the legislation titled the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Thu... Link to the full article to read more