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Do Republicans Even Remember Why Obamacare Should Be Repealed?

posted onJune 25, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 10:30 pm on June 24, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Republicans have forgotten why repealing Obamacare is important and they have a leader in President Trump who probably never even knew in the first place. All we are hearing now is about how Obamacare is failing, which is true, but it is not the reason why conservatives have been demanding its repeal since the day it was passed. Obamacare At its beginning, the erroneously named “Affordable Care Act” triggered a resurgence of belief in Constitutionally limited government. Thousands if not millions of people began studying the Founding Fathers again. The people who opposed Obamacare and the underhanded way it was created and passed marched on Washington because they recognized it as a federal overreach. It was a power grab that robbed individuals of their liberty. One sixth of the American economy was being subordinated to the federal government with the promise that health care would be cheaper; better; and if you liked what you already had, it wouldn’t change for you. All of the promises turned out—unsurprisingly—to be flagrant lies. We knew they were lies even before premiums skyrocketed and before deductibles rose so high that paying the premiums became pointless.  We knew we were lied to because one of the chief architects of the scam Jonathan Gruber told us so. Remember him? Most Republicans in D.C. apparently don’t. Here’s what he said, if you need your memory refreshed. The root problem with Obamacare is n... Link to the full article to read more

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