Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on June 25, 2017 by Joe Cunningham Friends, it’s about time we sat down and had a chat. For Trump apologists, as well as fervent supporters, there is this notion that there’s no difference between the #NeverTrump movement and the Trump Deranged. This is the discussion we need to have, because it’s as false as it is embarrassing. #NeverTrump is a movement I can completely understand. I don’t identify myself with the hashtag, but I get how they feel. There was a roster full of solid conservatives and decent politicians sprinkled in that we had a shot to get some good, Republican ideas on the table. However, mismanagement and missed opportunities squandered a good bench and left us with Trump, who was and I believe still is demonstrably not conservative. It is what it is, though, and there is really no point in re-hashing the election. Trump is the president. For #NeverTrump folks, there is a sense of trying to get the Republican Party to realize what it has done to itself. It has hurt itself, in #NeverTrump’s eyes, and sullied the good name of conservatism. Trump Derangement, however, is a completely different monster. It is an ideology… no, a pathology… that believes everything Trump does is wrong and evil and should be opposed. You can argue (perhaps successfully) that the Trump deranged would allow similar or even worse behavior from a different politician simply because that politician is not the crass buffoon Trump is. You find a lot of D... Link to the full article to read more
#NeverTrump vs. Trump Derangement