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The Note: The tale of the Trump 'tapes' isn't over - ABC News

posted onJune 24, 2017

Article snippet: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TODAY THE TAKE with ABC News' Rick Klein The tale of the "tapes" has been a sordid one, a head-scratcher that puts some of President Trump's least-subtle impulses on awkward display. Without the tweet, it's possible we still don't know James Comey's side of the story … and that Robert Mueller never gets the job the president thinks he may be too biased to be holding. Even now, filling space otherwise reserved for a political victory lap and health care momentum in the Senate, Trump isn't quite closing out the possibility that tapes exist. (His words rarely seem chosen carefully, but "I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings" sounds like a lawyer's insert.) And Trump is keeping up his pressure on Mueller, declaring him to be "very, very good friends with Comey, which is very bothersome." The whole episode has been bothersome, even for Trump allies. Tapes or no, the recordings of the era will demonstrate distractions, missed opportunities and even stronger consequences ahead. POTAYTO, POTAHTO After all the hype about Republicans' starting over and writing their own bill, the Senate repeal and replace discussion draft looks roughly similar to the House health care bill that has proven itself to be deeply unpopular. Experts predict it would likely have effects comparable to the House's in terms of how many Americans would lose coverage and how much more people buying their own insurance would have to pay to keep the... Link to the full article to read more

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