Article snippet: Posted at 5:05 pm on June 20, 2017 by Jay Caruso Donald Trump and Republicans exhibit weakness when they blame the media and Democrats for their problems. Trump never takes responsibility for his problems. Unfortunately for him, the public doesn’t want to hear his whining, and they’re expressing it in job approval numbers that parallel George W. Bush towards the end of his presidency. A new CBS poll came out today, and Trump’s support is at the lowest point since he took office in January: It is easy for people to blame others as Senator Ted Cruz did this morning on Fox and Friends.: Spare me, Senator. Let’s retake a step in time to try and gain an understanding of where we are and why we are here: Who was it that hired Paul Manafort and used Carter Page as an advisor despite their ties to Russia that could prove to be problematic? Who was it that shouted at campaign stops, “I love Wikileaks!” and would then read from hacked emails? Emails everybody in the IC knows got to Wikileaks via Russian hackers? Who steadfastly refused to acknowledge that Russia tried to interfere with our election process even after being shown a report from the DNI stating the NSA, CIA, and FBI all believed Russia sought to interfere and that their preference in the election was one Donald J. Trump? Who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to acknowledge what the intelligence community concluded? Who was it that brought in Michael Flynn as his National Security Adviser, knowing he... Link to the full article to read more
Trump Job Approval at 36 Percent and Here's Why He's to Blame