Article snippet: Posted at 9:30 pm on June 20, 2017 by Susan Wright They knew he was potentially vulnerable to Russia, but they kept feeding him CIA secrets. A new report from the New York Times suggests that even as former national security adviser Michael Flynn was under scrutiny, the fount of information he was exposed to kept flowing. Flynn was forced from his position as national security adviser before he had served a full month. His failure to fully disclose information on conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, and then misleading Vice President Pence about it was his undoing. I’ve said before that if anybody is pinched from this entire Russian probe, it is likely to be Flynn. And quite a bit of that can be attributed to Trump’s hubris, combined with inexperience. Not a great combo. Pompeo testified last month in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, but avoided directly answering many of the panel’s questions, saying he was unable to answer “yes” or “no” to their questions regarding if he knew there were concerns about Flynn. When asked during last month’s hearings why he continued to share potentially sensitive information with Flynn present, even though he was under scrutiny, Pompeo simply answered, “He was the national security adviser.” Well, that was one answer, but it may not be the answer the nation needs, given the circumstances. Link to the full article to read more